Loved it. The buildup was fantastic, I also really liked the piano complementing the bassline. The only problem is that it was so short :c
Loved it. The buildup was fantastic, I also really liked the piano complementing the bassline. The only problem is that it was so short :c
Thank you so much for the positive review *^.^*
BUT do not fret...this is but a demo! There will be MUCH added! Even this bit here will undergo a few changes to add a bit more "depth" and "umph". Stay tuned :D
You did a simply amazing job!
This song sent a lot of feeling, and was a unique type of dubstep. You could feel a lot of despair and helplessness, but it still sounds great. The start was a sort of 8-bit, like an old Zelda game, but it become so catchy and addicting after.
The occasial ... "weyp" sample sounds (i don't know what to call them, sorry) brought a really nice essence to the song, making it unique.
Good on you!
Thank you man!
I really liked/enjoyed this, but when the drop came I felt like there wasn't enough bass. It may be hard to describe, but the drop felt... shallow :)
But overall, it was still a very enjoyable song and I'd like to hear more!
Check out my other songs. I have different varietes. I've experimented with recording instruments, Using movie clips, even doing sub Bass songs made to rattle your house/car apart. Thank you for the review as always!
Words can not describe it!
What a beautiful piece...
When I listened to this, I felt instant warmth and happiness (sort of) :P
I could tell that this was probably difficult to create... the combination of sounds was well worked.
Around 32 seconds, the tone became a bit sullen and dark, but it eventually panned out to be an amazing cinematic piece. I felt as if I were floating through a dusty forest, with sunlight streaming down from the branches.
At 1:30 the song began to show a unraveling conflict that was being solved...
The change at 1:55 seemed a tad out of place but it quickly picked itself back up and was amazing. It felt as if I had come from the warmth of a forest to a cool, dark temple.
This is the type of song that can create a picture in your mind. Unbelievable!
Yes, there is always room to improve most definitely. Like I've said before, I am one of the worst composers you could listen to, but I am trying my very best to improve as much as I can.
I have been known for my unsubtle changes in my music.
Magnificent - Portrays an amazing struggle!
This song is so relaxing, yet it makes you feel "powerful" at the same time. It's hard to describe, the way it shows a suffering and the start, and a revolution at the climax. You've done a great job with the orchestra on this one, definite download from me (:
This is a great example to show how 2 minutes could tell a story better than some movies nowadays *cough*
Thank you for such a detailed review! I'm realy happy to hear, that my music can be interpreted as a little story.
Joined on 1/6/12